Humanity has never enjoyed uncertainties, and although we say we like mystery, we don’t, really. We do not deal easily with ambiguity. Things are either black or white (though we can manage grey – as a colour), up or down, dark or light. However, with the advent of quantum physics and its paradoxes (cats that are both dead and alive, light that is both wave and particle), our set-in-stone certainties should be fading somewhat. The male or female certainties have been well and truly confused with the LBGTXYZ movement). The patriarchy is on its last legs, not before time.
It’s clear though that the old guard won’t die without a struggle. Their world has lasted several centuries, if not millennia, hasn’t it, so why should they change – their brains aren’t wired for ambiguity. What, in fact, is the difference between the two? Checking on the internet (as we do these days) really doesn’t help, so I’ll see if I can explain both, at least to myself. Ambiguity is lack of clarity – it’s not black or white!. I think (I hope) that my artwork is often ambiguous – difficult to be certain what it’s about. Paradox is apparent contradiction, but isn’t really. So, paradoxically, we believe that death is the end of everything but it may be a step to a far better reality. I don’t know if that’s a particularly useful paradox but it works for me. This might be a better one: years ago I produced an artwork that was paradoxical – ‘This Side Up’ – a nice, compact comment on the perennial gender battle. (See above, on the left…)
As an example of ambiguity, let’s try this one, my painting called The Inheritors. It’s ambiguous because I don’t know who these people are, what their relationship is to each other, but most of all because I could never decide whether the hand of the hooded figure in the centre, resting on the head of a small person (child?) at the bottom, was protective or injurious. What was this small person doing? It looks to me as if she (or he) wanted to take her mask off; so was the hooded figure’s hand helping or preventing her doing so? And who are all the other figures? Well, if I don’t know, who does?
Disconnection in Time & Space
The disconnection in time is easy – I haven’t recorded any thoughts for a long time, mainly because I’ve been working on my latest – and last – deck, the Oracle of the Future. I’ve already explained a couple of times why it’s my last deck, but the easiest explanation...
Dark, Violent Forces
Dark, Violent Forces Things have been darkening since 2016, or at least that's how I see it. That was when Boris Johnson managed to get the British to vote for Brexit, by lying his head off. Then in January 2017, Donald Trump was voted in as President of the...
Pip decks
Thoughts on pip decks I have never used a pip tarot deck. I'm certainly not alone in this - many people prefer pictorial minors. But somehow, the Old Gods Tarot - which I'm creating at the moment - wanted to be a pip deck. Perhaps that's projection (I certainly...
I had a dream a couple of nights ago mainly about a set of twins. Not surprising, perhaps, as I am reading a book at present featuring twins (The Alchymist by Michael Scott, which, by the way, I can thoroughly recommend). I don't remember much about the dream apart...
Thoughts on Working Backwards For the last few weeks I've been producing images and copy for my website, which has been created for me by my IT wizard. It's just as well that I finally shouted to him for help, because I can't think logically enough to create a website...
Multi-Dimensional Thoughts
Thoughts on a Multi-Dimensional Universe Reading back on old books and journals, I see that I was already talking about the Devas being Multi-Dimensional energies in 1980 or so. If you think about it, of course, that makes complete sense ... even in our limited 3-D...